31 July 2007

Pix of Exhibition day!!!!

The bartenders acting crazee.... Melvin aka BJ(it supposedly means Big Joe but all of us say it means Blow Job.. sry melvin... Mark aka i dunno????... n Spencer aka the irratant that say HIIIIII KEESHIAAAA evry morning...

I dunno whu's under that mask but the person looks like an alien!!! lol... Hawaiian Tribal Masks

My Cousing Amanda aka International Understanding Director aka the person that made Exhibition day a success.... yay!!!

I was bored towards the end of the day soo i decided to do this.... lol....

I think dis is Rahbindran??? dunno how to spell his name!!! took my hula skirt... lol... he looks funny....

These were our Tiki BarTenders (frm left: Mark, Melvin, Seng Kit & Spencer) they were quite good

Our suvernior stall selling keychains, necklaces, brecelets.....

The Hula Gurls... wonder whu took this pic of me????

The Surfboards done by the perticipants of the Surfboard Designing Compotition.. not bad rite?

Evry1 finishing up at about 6 sumthin in the morn.. u should see their faces.. all half dead...

Our supposed to blow up Valcano!!!! soo sad they didnt explode it would have been fun....

Results for Exhibition Day!!!!!

Group A: 1st=PRS(again for the second year... totally nutthin interesting... xcept for the condom hanging in mid air filled with water....)
2nd=PBSM????? like WTF???? totally nutthin interesting... lol... nvm la... dun care...

well guess that was that..... got it over with.. danced to impress.... did our best.... still proud to be an interactor....!!!! Interact For Life!!!! Ciao... muaxxxxx

29 July 2007

Hawaiian Exhibition

My skul juz recently had its exhibition day n of course the interact club did something spectacular with the theme HAWAII!!! there was a Tiki Bar.... Hula Gurls(inc.Me!!!) Hawaii Tower... A supposed to explode Valcano... and a suvernior shop!!! sound kewl rite well it really was... We were competeing with a few other clubs in our group such as PRS n Scouts.... The Hula Gurls had a whole day of performing for every teacher n judge that came in.. imagine 3 hours of non stop hawaiian/hula dancing(none of the complicated hips shaking hula dancing.. more of lilo & stitch hula dancing) the bartenders had a blast making crazee fruit drinks n mixing evry fruit possible with another with their shakers n blenders.... lol.... n our board members had a lot of talking to do explaining about Hawaii to all the teachers, judges n rotarians.... luckily they didnt get dehydrated!!!!! of course the day ended with cleaning up bt i managed to escape!!!! yay!!! results of the Exhibation day will be announced tomorrow..... pixx will be posted!!!!


Hey evry1!!! im back to blogging again... changed evrything... will improve more later on.... lol... hope u like it... well... will try to blog as much as possible.... although SPM is coming!!!! well need to sleep now.. have to go to skul tomorrow!!!! Gudnite... MUAXXXX.....